One of the most important requirements for effective online marketing is the ability to measure results on-going and quickly so that effective Trial and Fail tests can be performed. You have to be able to tell which technique works and which one does not so that you can manage your time and resources properly.
What if you can tell when the traffic flow coming from Craigslist starts declining? It's time to post your listing again. Should you post your listing on Kijiji and Backpage as well? Try it, then by reviewing the top referral sites, you will see if they show up as the source of visitors. How about quantifying the value of posting detailed description and neighborhood information on your property flyer. You will easily see how the organic search engine traffic increases. How about seeing the pictures of people who stopped by? You may be able to ask for referrals. What if you could share a weekly report with your sellers on how many people viewed their property, where did they come from, what information they were interested in? Now you can. It will surely present you as an online marketing professional and result in referrals from your clients. Of course, if all you need is a simple page view counter for quick review, it is also available with RealBird now.
We - at RealBird - are using the very same tool set that is now made available for all of the RealBird members for free. It helped us creating the classified sites referral traffic comparison posted previously and we established great partnerships by finding people talking about us, which we would have otherwise be unaware of. We even fixed software bugs using these services ! The value is tremendous.
Announcing the industry's most comprehensive website analytics tool set for real estate listing marketing. See real-time statistics, get detailed, comprehensive reports for for weekly and monthly reviews and start a community around your listings.
Below are the services you can now integrate with your RealBird Listing Publisher service for free.
Clicky is a real-time web analytics tool. One of our favorites!
You will see visitors as soon as they swing by at your site.
It is a great tool especially for referral source tracking, including traffic coming from
classified sites such as Craigslist and search engines.
Cost: Free for most features

Google Analytics provides a very detailed reporting tool for every aspects of your
website analytics need. It is not a real-time tool (data delayed approximately half a day) but the detailed reports can be used for weekly and monthly analysis to
see what is working and what needs improvement in your online marketing activity.
Cost: Free

MyBlogLog - a service of Yahoo - is more than just a website reporting tool. We
believe that this is a must have for real estate professionals for promoting
listings and services, for community building and networking. After signing up
with MyBlogLog, you will be able leave your "footstep" on other websites and
blogs (assuming they installed the MyBlogLog widget also). Your picture will
appear on those websites with a link to your own MyBlogLog communities (e.g.
your RealBird listing sites). After you installed your own tracking code with the RealBird Listing Publisher service,
you will also be able to see pictures of people who visited your listing sites
(again, assuming that they are MyBlogLog members as well). It will enable you to
start discussions with real world people and to build an online community for
name recognition purposes and eventually, for lead generation. This is a must
have in our opinion.
Setting up these free services with RealBird is simple:
- Register for free or login to RealBird
- On the dashboard or the listings page, click "Visitor stats"
- Follow the on-screen instructions: configure Clicky, Google Analytics and MyBlogLog tracking code
- Enter them into the configuration screen on RealBird
- Save the page
Tracking of the website visitors starts immediately.
As always send us your case studies, best practices and your experiences with these new features.
-- Zoltan Szendro
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