We launched a small upgrade yesterday that makes your RealBird real estate website for smartphones Internet Explorer compatible (from IE 7 through IE 9). This is a compatibility update in preparation of our upcoming features update, but I thought I share the functional implication of it. It's pretty cool, so read on:
Due to the new compatibility with all major desktop browsers - including Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari and Opera - you can now embed your vanity city Url of your RealBird mobile website in webpages and blog posts that targets desktop users. The user interface now renders equally on all major smartphones and desktop browsers, providing you with one more way to market your listings, your blogs posts, and soon, your property search. Just simply create an iframe HTML code with your RealBird mobile site's Url and paste that code into any webpage that supports this basic HTML tag. It's that simple. See a sample code below the example.
Example (courtesy of Mike Conner) e.g. click "Our Properties" to see Mike's current list, then click through any of them to see the details. If you have a smartphone handy, scan his QR code below and see how it works on mobile devices.
Scan me with your smartphone to bookmark
our mobile website at http://Olympia.RealBird.com
IFrame code example:
<iframe src="http://Olympia.RealBird.com" width="95%" height="500" style="width: 95%; height: 500px;"></iframe><center>Scan me with your smartphone to bookmark<br/>our mobile website at <a href="http://Olympia.RealBird.com" target="_blank">http://Olympia .RealBird.com</a><br/><img src="http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=qr&choe=UTF-8&chld=L|0&chs=140x140&chl=http://olympia.realbird.com/" style="border:0px;"></center>
You can use this code as is, just make sure that you change the highlighted olympia subdomain (4 places !) to your own RealBird vanity city domain name.
There are many options and best practices to make this a great marketing vehicle. We'll add a full tutorial soon and we will also include a code generator in the RealBird member area, but you can already embed your own by creating the simple iframe code manually as described above.
Please note that this feature requires RealBird PRO membership, which costs only $99/year for unlimited everything :)
Should you have questions on how to use this feature before our official code generator is launched, just email or call us. Or if you have added this new widget to your website or blog, please share your live example with us. And of course, stay tuned, much more is coming ...
Thanks and enjoy !
-- The RealBird Team
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